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It is very important to us that you know exactly what you are getting so please find all allergy information below. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible:


Our scones will or may contain the following:

Dairy - milk, butter, eggs

Gluten - wheat


Clotted Cream

 Contains Milk



 Contains Strawberries, Sugar and Lemon Juice 



 Contains Tea!


ALL OF OUR PRODUCTS MAY CONTAIN NUTS! Although we do everything that we can to keep everything separate, they are all made in the same kitchen so there is always the risk.


Neither the owner of The Cream Tea Company nor associated companies nor employees will be liable for adverse reactions from the food consumed, or items one may come in contact with whilst eating or coming into contact with any of our scones or other foods supplied as part of the package.

By visiting, collecting, eating or handling our products you agree to have read and understood the above.

**If in doubt please contact us before placing an order.